
Our inventory changes every few months as a general rule. If you have seen a painting or drawing in the gallery that you think should be made into a print, let us know by  writing an e-mail to webmaster (at) Please replace (at) with an @ symbol.  I am writing the address in a format that will hopefully avoid spam robots. If we have enough demand, we may produce it as a print and notify you when it becomes available. Also let us know if there is an additional size you are interested in purchasing. We are always interested in hearing your opinions, and will try our best to fulfill requests.

We offer domestic shipping to the U.S.A. We are willing to mail internationally, however, International clients need to contact us via email to arrange special shipping. Please allow 1 – 2 weeks for delivery. If you have any questions as to the status of your order, please write us an email. Thank you, and we hope you enjoy browsing!

Maple Mountain At Dawn

Maple Mountain at Dawn
Maple Mountain at Dawn

9 in. x 14 in. $15.00

20 in. X 30 in. $75.00


High-quality photographic prints. We offer this print in various sizes:

Gethsemane by Wendel B.l Johnson

4″ X 5″ … $1.50

8 ” X 10″ … $10.00

11″ X 14″ … $15.00

Amber Fields

Amber Fields by Wendell B. Johnson
Amber Fields

6″ X 10″ … $10.00

9″ X 14″ … $15.00

20″ X 30″ … $75.00


Four-color separation prints on heavy paper with a semi-gloss surface.

Percherons by Wendell B. Johnson
Percherons by Wendell B. Johnson

20″ X 24″ … $30.00

Geese at Sunset

Geese at Sunset
Geese at Sunset

11″ X 14″ … $15.00

Appaloosa Autumn

This painting is now available in high quality photographic prints.

Appaloosa Autumn
Appaloosa Autumn

9″ X 15″ … $15.00

20″ X 32″ … $75.00


High-quality photographic prints.

Elmer by Wendell B. Johnson

16″ X 20″ … $30.00

Wintertime Deer

Wintertime Deer by Wendell B. Johnson
Wintertime Deer

High-quality photographic prints. We offer this print in 2 sizes, but please note it will need custom framing because it isn’t a pre-made-frame size.:
9 in. x 14 in. $15.00

20 in. X 30 in. $75.00

Mapleton History Books

We found a small stash of these books – they are out of print, all completed in one large run in the early 1980s (back before print on demand!), we thought they were all gone, but we have a small supply of the newer binding design.  Wendell wrote this book in conjunction with Kay Harmer. It is a must-have for anyone interested in the early history of the Mapleton area, or in the lives of the LDS pioneers (a lot of the early settlers were LDS pioneers). In-depth detailed research led to this account of the lives and stories of the early inhabitants of Mapleton long before it became the civilized city it is now. Also an excellent source of genealogical information for those with ancestors from Mapleton.

Mapleton History Book
$45 plus $10 shipping (Temporary note: The book will be be listed as $35 with $20 shipping, which is the same overall cost. Sorry for this quirk, we are in the process of updating the site.)

Thank you for browsing our store!